Welcome to Saint Theodore Roman Catholic Church
Our Mission
We proclaim to all people the salvation which has appeared in Jesus Christ, so that by the lives we live and in our apostolic activities, all may come "to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" (John 17:3), and have life in all its fullness.
Upcoming Events
Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope
Learn more: Visit the Vatican Jubilee 2025 Website: Iubilaeum
In 2025 Pope Francis has proclaimed a Jubilee Year. A time of grace, hope, prayer, and pilgrimage. 2025 The indulgence can be gained by visiting places in the world, such as - among others - the two minor Papal Basilicas in Assisi, St Francis’ Basilica and that of Santa Maria degli Angeli, and the Pontifical Basilicas of the Madonna di Loreto, the Madonna of Pompeii, and Sant Anthony of Padua. In the event of serious impediments, the truly repentant faithful unable to participate in the celebrations, pilgrimages or visits will be able to obtain the Jubilee indulgence under the same conditions if they recite in their own home or from wherever they are impeded from travelling, the Our Father, the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form and other prayers compliant with the purposes of the Holy Year, offering up their sufferings or the hardships of their lives and participating in the Eucharistic celebration.
Our nearest place to gained the indulgence is Blue Army Shrine in Washington. The Jubilee Indulgence is a concrete manifestation of God's mercy, which goes beyond and transforms the boundaries of human justice. This treasury of grace entered human history in the witness of Jesus and the saints, and by living in communion with them our hope for our own forgiveness is strengthened and becomes a certainty. The Jubilee indulgence allows us to free our hearts from the weight of sin because the reparation due for our sins is given freely and abundantly.
Daily Mass Times
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:45 am
First Friday & First Saturday 8:45 am
With Exposition of the Holy Eucharist & Benediction and from 4:00pm to 4:45pm on Saturday
First Sunday Devotion after 8:00am Mass until 10:15am
with Exposition of the Holy Eucharist & Benediction
Weekend Mass
Saturday : 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:30 am
(10:30 am Mass is livestreamed on Facebook) Online Mass Link to Our Facebook Page
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Every day except Thursdays. 30 minutes before Mass
or by appointment.
Daily Devotions
Miraculous Medal Novena
Following Monday 8:45 am Mass
St. Joseph Devotion
Following Tuesday 8:45 am Mass
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Following Friday 8:45 am Mass
Capital Campaign
Continuing Our Mission
The projects below
represent the intended plan for our parish.
Carpet Replacement and Pew Refinishing:
The carpet is worn, stained, and dirty.
Due to all the cleaning products used the pews
are in need of refinishing.
Estimated cost: $30,000
Parish Reserve Fund: If we raise enough funds we plan to restore our
parish reserves in order to address future
operating and capital needs of our parish. In
this way we are able to continue to be good
stewards of our parish resources.
Estimated goal: $23,000
CAPITAL GOAL: $120,000 - $150,000
If you would like to make a pledge you can download the form below.
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